Send a thank-you note after receiving a gift, job interview, scholarship, hospitality, or help. Thank the person and mention what you appreciate, but don't criticize those who don't follow this...
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To be a good friend with a married man, set clear boundaries and be transparent with your spouse and his. Respect his spouse and his commitment to his marriage. Avoid flirtatious behavior and...
Takeout tipping is not mandatory, but it’s appreciated. If you decide to tip, 10-15% of the total cost is standard. If you’re cash-strapped, you can appreciate the services by leaving a positive...
Check the rules and regulations of your local area and the cemetery you buy a plot in. Be respectful of those around you. Use the headstone as an opportunity to remember your loved one and...
Understand glassware types, placement and etiquette for a polished dining experience. Use one glass per beverage and place glasses in order of use. Clean glasses properly and avoid touching the glass...
When greeting Spaniards, shake hands and make eye contact. A hug (for men) or kiss on the cheek (for women) is acceptable for families and friends. Avoid flashy or revealing attire and use formal and...