9 Baby Shower Thank You Etiquette

baby shower thank you etiquette
Send personalized thank you cards 2-3 weeks after the event. Be specific in your thanks, mention the gift, and express gratitude for their support. If you received a group gift, send individual messages with a personal touch to everyone who contributed.

1. Timing Matters

You should send thank you notes within 2-3 weeks after the baby shower. You can send handwritten notes, online thank you cards, or printed cards. Handwritten notes add a personal touch to your message. 

Tips for making the process more manageable:

  • Set aside time each day or week to write a few thank-you notes. 
  • Keep a list of your guests’ names and addresses so that you remember everyone. 
  • Write a simple, sweet, and sincere message.

If you’re a new mom and the baby arrives before you can send thank you messages, it’s okay to send them later. But don’t dismiss the importance of sending heartfelt thank-you notes.

2. Personalized Notes

Personalized thank-you notes show that you took the time to acknowledge and appreciate each individual’s gesture. You can also mention any personal connections or memories with the person who gave you the gift. Include a specific detail that shows you remember the person.

Follow these do’s and don’ts:

Do’s ✅Don’ts ❌
Mention the specific gift you received and how you plan to use it.Address the recipient as “Dear Friend” or use a generic salutation.
If you have captured photos in the shower, include them in the note as a thoughtful touch.Write a thank you note just for the sake of it. Try and show genuine appreciation and gratitude.
Make each thank you note unique and personalized to the recipient.Use the same generic message for each thank you note.

3. Acknowledge The Gift

gift boxes and toys
Room filled with toys and gift boxes

Acknowledging a gift after a baby shower shows appreciation towards the gift giver. Here are some tips to consider:

  • Begin your note by addressing the gift giver by name and expressing your gratitude for their attendance at the baby shower and for the gift.
  • Mention the gift by name and comment on how helpful it will be to your little one.

4. Be Specific

Being specific in a thank you card shows the recipient that you appreciate their generous gift or presence at the event. It helps convey gratitude more meaningfully and makes the recipient feel valued.

To be specific, mention the gift and how excited you are to use it.

Here are wording examples, 

“Thank you so much for attending our baby shower. The onesie you gifted us matches the crib sheet. We can’t wait to see our baby boy on it. Thank you for making the baby shower games a success.

“[Name], thank you for the adorable stuffed animal and for being such a fantastic friend. I am so grateful to have you in my life and for your support during this exciting time.”

“Thank you, [Name], for the thoughtful gift and for making the baby shower fun. I loved chatting with you and hearing about your experiences as a parent. Your advice and support mean the world to me.”

5. Include Everyone

Write thank you notes to all who attended your baby shower. If someone responded to the baby shower invitation RSVP and didn’t attend but sent a gift, it’s appropriate to thank them as well. 

Here are some tips for including everyone in your thank-you notes:

  • While virtual showers are gaining traction, make a master list of everyone who attended the event (either in-person, hybrid or virtual) and their gifts.
  • If your friends or family member pulled resources to buy a gift, thank each person individually. 
  • You can also post on social media to thank everyone who attended and their gifts. 

6. Greetings And Closings

woman writing greeting card
Woman writing a note in a card

A well-written thank you card with appropriate greetings and closings reflects your good manners and respect and leaves a positive impression on the recipients.

Appropriate Greetings:

  1. Dear [Name],
  2. Hello [Name],
  3. Dear [Title and Last Name],

Appropriate Closings:

  1. Sincerely,
  2. With gratitude,
  3. Best regards,
  4. Warmly,
  5. Love and thanks,

7. Address the Recipient

A warm and personal tone, combined with a formal greeting and individualized address, will help you express your thanks in a respectful and heartfelt way.

Do’s ✅Don’ts ❌
Address the recipient by name. If you are writing to a group of people who organized the baby shower, address the note to the lead organizer or the person who coordinated everything.Use generic or informal greetings such as “Hey” or “Hi” or address the recipient as a group, such as “To Everyone” or “To the Shower Hosts.” 
Use a formal greeting. Start the note with “Dear,” followed by the recipient’s name. For example, “Dear Sarah” or “Dear Aunt Rachel.”Don’t use nicknames or abbreviations unless the recipient specifically prefers them.

8. Mention The Future

Mentioning the future in a thank you note after a baby shower is a great way to keep your loved ones involved in your life and your baby’s life. It gives them a sense of anticipation and excitement for the milestones you and your baby will experience together.

Here are some examples of card wording mentioning the future:

“Thank you so much for the beautiful clothes and toys for our little one. We can’t wait to see them grow into them and create memories we will cherish for years.”

“We are grateful for your thoughtful gift and can’t wait to use it to create a beautiful nursery for our little bundle of joy. We can already imagine all the special moments we will have in that room.”

9. Send a Photo

A photo captures a special moment, and sharing it with your guests shows that you appreciate their presence and contribution to the celebration.

Here are some tips for sending a photo with the thank you note:

  • Share a photo that includes the guest or their gift. 
  • A digital photo can be easily shared via email, text, or social media, making it convenient. Alternatively, you could have the photo printed and include it with a handwritten note.
  • Include a brief message thanking the guest for their attendance and gift.

What Should You Do If You Receive A Thank You Note For A Baby Shower?

If you receive a thank-you note for a baby shower you attended, read the note carefully and appreciate the kind words the sender has written. Respond, even if it’s just a quick note or email. Keep in touch with the new parents and the sender of the thank-you note.


Tabitha is a curious and enthusiastic writer who believes in the power of words and the importance of good manners. Etiquette is her passion, and she enjoys sharing her knowledge with others. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys traveling, reading, and spending time with her family.

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