Dressing appropriately, arrive on time and sit in the correct place. Silent your cell phone and don't take photos/videos during the ceremony. Respect religious traditions and participate in them as...
Posts by Margaret Dunn
To be a good friend with a married man, set clear boundaries and be transparent with your spouse and his. Respect his spouse and his commitment to his marriage. Avoid flirtatious behavior and...
When planning or attending an adult birthday party, be sure to plan ahead, choose an appropriate gift, be appreciative and grateful, treat your guests politely, and always be aware of cultural...
When going through a divorce, communication is key. Respect boundaries, keep your children out of it, divide assets fairly and justly. Respect your ex’s new relationships, and do your best to get...
Express your condolences, communicate with the family, and ensure you are respectful at the funeral services. Don’t sit with the family at the funeral unless you share children and offer a helping...
When using public restroom give people their personal space, practice good hygine and clean up after using it. Don't take too much time and avoid using phone. Respect others' gender identity and...